Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Feeling Melancholy

I'm feeling particularly melancholoy today thinking about how my babes are half way done with their infancy. I can't believe how quickly time flies. Being a full-time Mom is the absolute best and more often than not I find myself thanking Myla and Milan for coming to me. They make my heart burst with love.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Myla and Milan are now 5 months! Time flies especially when the last 4 months have been a sleepless daze. I sure miss my tiny 5 pound babies especially when I'm towing both babies in their car seats up and down the stairs. My arms are not yet showing any beneficial changes of all of the heavy lifting I do on a daily basis.

Lately, both babies have enjoyed sitting in these clever little chairs called Bumbo. Here is Myla's first go at the Bumbo.

Milan in her Bumbo watching Baby Einstein. Baby Einstein is a life saver!